
Professor Uday Devgan MD, renowned Los Angeles cataract surgeon, teaches the Best Techniques for Cataract Surgery. All Content © 2018-2023 Uday Devgan Cataract Coach™
Uday Devgan is ranked as the number 1 eye surgeon in California and number 2 in the USA (out of more than 10,000 ophthalmologists). He is in private practice, specializing in cataract and refractive surgery, at Devgan Eye Surgery in Los Angeles and a full partner at Specialty Surgical Center in Beverly Hills, California. He is honored to have performed cataract surgery for more than 50 fellow eye surgeons and he knows that this personal recognition from your peers is far more important than a celebrity endorsement. Patients from all over the USA (and from other countries) fly to Los Angeles to have their cataract surgery with Dr. Devgan. A leading eye surgery journal deemed Uday Devgan MD as 1 of the top 25 leaders in ophthalmology of the last 25 years.
Museu do Amanhã - Sala 05
08:30 às 10:00 - Novas Tecnologias na cirurgia de catarata: LIOs, Inteligencia artificial, Realidade Ampliada, Aberrometria Intraoperatória e Cirurgia "Heads Up"
08:30 às 08:40 - IOL calculations using Artificial Intelligence
Grande Auditório – Maracanã 1
16:30 às 18:00 - PÂNICO AO VIVO - Cirurgias ao Vivo de Casos Desafiadores
Teatro Municipal - Sala 04
08:30 às 10:00 - ALTA PERFORMANCE
09:00 às 09:10 - why I slow down to be more efficient
Museu do Amanhã - Sala 05
16:30 às 18:00 - Função visual: a visão além do Snellen
17:20 às 17:30 - Effect of pupil size on EDOF IOLs