

Francesco Carones, MD was born in Italy in 1963. He graduated in 1988 at the University of Milan, Italy, where he attended the Department of Ophthalmology as resident. In 1992 he took a clinical training period focused on refractive surgery at Emory University, Atlanta GA, USA. Formerly he was Assistant Professor of Ophthalmology and Director of Refractive Surgery at the Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences, S. Raffaele Hospital, University of Milan, Italy. Now in private practice, Dr. Carones is co-founder, Medical Director and Physician CEO (Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University, Evanston, Ill. USA) of Advalia Vision (formerly Carones Vision) at Advalia in Milan, Italy where he performs mainly lens replacement and refractive surgery.
Dr. Carones is involved in refractive surgery since 1989, when he started pioneering the use of excimer laser. He participated at several clinical trials, including the first human study on hyperopia correction using erodible masks. He explored the application of mitomycin C after laser surgery. He was among the first to have access to the tracker-assisted flying-spot ablation technology and to propose LASEK. Currently he is clinical investigator for major surgical companies. He is one of the first users of a recently launched platform for lenticular extraction. As for lens replacement surgery, he was the first to implant a toric multifocal IOL as well as a low power add multifocal IOL. More recently, Dr. Carones developed particular interest in all presbyopia-correcting and presbyopia-mitigating IOLs, focusing on patient education. He developed the first objective measurement software for defocus curves. His cataract and refractive surgery practice also involves phakic IOLs, intracorneal ring segments, corneal inlays, corneal cross-linking.
Dr. Carones published 161 papers in peer-reviewed scientific journals, books and book chapters on refractive and cataract surgery and corneal topography. His research activities lead him to lecture and present at major meetings on refractive surgery worldwide, including AAO, ASCRS, ESCRS, IIIC, AECOS and ISRS. He is Associate Editor of the Journal of Refractive surgery and member of the most important Editorial Boards. He currently serves as Board Member of International Ophthalmological Societies (AECOS, RSA, WCRSVS), and president-elect for AECOS Europe. Dr. Carones serves as Member of the Advisory Board of major ophthalmic companies (Alcon, Johnson & Johnson Vision, Hoya, WaveLight).
Museu do Amanhã - Sala 05
08:30 às 10:00 - Novas Tecnologias na cirurgia de catarata: LIOs, Inteligencia artificial, Realidade Ampliada, Aberrometria Intraoperatória e Cirurgia "Heads Up"
Museu do Amanhã - Sala 05
10:45 às 12:15 - Provocações - Presbiopia: Córnea ou Cristalino - O laser contra-ataca
Praia de Copacabana - Sala 01
08:30 às 10:00 - Selecionando a LIO Ideal
09:18 às 09:30 - Comparing Trifocal, EDoF and Enhanced Monofocal IOLs
Pedra da Gávea - Sala 09
12:45 às 13:45 - SIMPÓSIO ADAPT - LIOs HOYA, um mundo de possibilidade!
13:15 às 13:30 - Vivinex Impress™
Teatro Municipal - Sala 04
14:15 às 15:45 - EDOF... IT!: O que esperar em termos de resultados visuais e como incorporar a indicação na sua prática
Grande Auditório – Maracanã 2
08:30 às 10:00 - Abrindo a caixa preta: cirurgia refrativa ilimitada
09:10 às 09:20 - A Jornada do Paciente Refrativo: Uma Perspectiva de Primeira Mão
Praia de Copacabana - Sala 01
10:30 às 12:00 - Tratando a presbiopia no pseudofacico