

Arthur Cummings Biography 2024
Mr Arthur B. Cummings MBChB, MMed (Ophth), FCS(SA), FRCSEd, PCEO, FWCRS
Arthur Cummings is a cataract and refractive surgeon at the Wellington Eye Clinic in Dublin, Ireland, and Associate Clinical Professor of Ophthalmology at University College Dublin. He participates in clinical studies and serves on the medical advisory boards of numerous ophthalmic companies. A past-President of AECOS Europe, he is Global Ambassador of the Refractive Surgery Alliance. He is co-chief medical editor of Cataract & Refractive Surgery Today Europe and reviews for numerous journals. He has published > 120 articles in peer-reviewed and trade journals, 12 book chapters, co-edited 2 textbooks and delivered more than 500 lectures at international meetings. He authored the Wellington nomogram for WaveLight excimer lasers. In 2018, 2019, 2020, 2022, 2023 & 2024 he was ranked in the Top 100 most influential ophthalmologists worldwide by The Ophthalmologist. He has received awards from the AAO, ISRS, ESCRS, AECOS Europe, SECOIR, HSIOIRS and SASCRS. He serves on the board of directors of Alcon since they spun off from Novartis in April 2019. He is a co-Founder, Trustee and board member of the World College of Refractive Surgery & Visual Sciences and serves as the President of the Board of Governors.
Praia de Copacabana - Sala 01
12:45 às 13:45 - SIMPÓSIO ALCON - CLAREON®️ COLLECTION: Explorando a nova era das Lentes Intraoculares Alcon
12:55 às 13:10 - Clareon®️ Monofocal: Desmistificando o conceito de “Visão Intermediaria Funcional” em LIOs Monofocais
Mureta da Urca - Sala 03
14:15 às 15:45 - No caminho tinha um ceratocone...
Museu do Amanhã - Sala 05
16:30 às 18:00 - Função visual: a visão além do Snellen
Museu do Amanhã - Sala 05
16:30 às 18:00 - Função visual: a visão além do Snellen
17:00 às 17:10 - Dichoptic therapy for amblyopia treatment in adults
Grande Auditório – Maracanã 2
08:30 às 10:00 - Abrindo a caixa preta: cirurgia refrativa ilimitada
09:20 às 09:30 - A jornada do paciente de cirurgia refrativa/RLE - o que pode ser delegado
Lagoa Rodrigo de Freitas - Sala 02
10:30 às 12:00 - Cirurgia Refrativa na presbiopia: em quem, como e quando
11:10 às 11:20 - Ray-Tracing LASIK ablation profiles: do they make a difference?